Artificial Intelligence
Thoughtfulness about fake thought
Quinn Norton wrote an insightful piece about large language models and evolved human behavior at EmptyWheel. I thought this observation was particularly on point: “They don’t even have to be engineered to charm us, and they aren’t. We’ve been engineered by evolution to be charmed.” Continue reading
Oh good
Google, the company that originally instituted, then removed, the motto “don’t be evil,” also made a pledge about its artificial intelligence projects. Because they’re Google, a titanic pile of cash and (still in some areas) technical talent, their AI projects are world-class. They pledged that their AI applications would never involve “(1) weapons, (2) surveillance,… Continue reading
Just the next step?
In a study just published in CHI 2025, researchers found “reductions in cognitive effort and confidence” among “knowledge workers” who made use of AI. Now, this is real research and definitely worth further investigation. But also what they found was self-reported reductions in cognitive effort and confidence. In other words, they just did a survey… Continue reading
Kwaai not?
Kwaai is an organization working on personal AI. Part of that is figuring out what “personal AI” means. Looks interesting, and you can join in at various levels — the lowest level is “observer,” which is akin to subscribing to their newsletter. Not that they have a newsletter, exactly. Anyway, let’s see what can come… Continue reading
A new Moore’s Law?
“The cost to use a given level of AI falls about 10x every 12 months, and lower prices lead to much more use. You can see this in the token cost from GPT-4 in early 2023 to GPT-4o in mid-2024, where the price per token dropped about 150x in that time period. Moore’s law changed the… Continue reading
…airless post-human convenience…
“The immediate circumstances of the AI industry changed dramatically for its incumbent powers just days after Andreessen’s post due to the furor around the Chinese AI technology DeepSeek, whose success raised the question of whether you actually need $500 billion worth of infrastructure and world-historic energy consumption in order to make a fun little tool… Continue reading
Hello DeepSeek. Well this changes things…
From Jeffrey Emanuel, one of the best analyses of the advances in DeepSeek AI, wrapped in an investor’s rundown of Nvidia’s valuation, business, and future. This is long, but full of great information and insights. Here’s another good DeepSeek post, written as a FAQ by Ben Thompson. You might notice that it’s a blog entry… Continue reading
Stargate, eh?
Orange baby evidently just “announced” an initiative for building AI infrastructure. It’s big talk, mentioning half a trillion dollars (eventually, honest) and touting all sorts of “dominance” of AI research and development; an area that is not a good fit for the dumb thuggery underlying the whole idea of “dominance.” I find the hunger for… Continue reading
From IEEE Spectrum, an interesting analysis of how AIs make mistakes, as do humans, but because the AI mistakes differ from human mistakes, the expectations we have and the infrastructure we’ve created to recognize, reduce, and correct for human mistakes doesn’t fit AIs as well. We’re actually pretty good at dealing with mistakes — to… Continue reading
The upside of AI
I am still pretty skeptical of large language models. I went pretty deep with them a couple of years ago, and most of what I found was either disappointing (in regard to LLM performance and capabilities) or annoying (in regard to all the marketing blather). In the ensuing months, I tended to discount the whole… Continue reading
About Me
I’m Pete Harbeson, a writer located near Boston, Massachusetts. In addition to writing my own content, I’ve learned to translate for my loquacious and opinionated pup Chocolate. I shouldn’t be surprised, but she mostly speaks in doggerel. You can find her contributions tagged with Chocolatiana.
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- Getting on in years
- Disturbing hints continue
- Stand back from the cliff, please
- Wherein an answer is punctually directed
- Nonsensical padding
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[citation needed]
Cornerstone of Democracy