
"Simplicity" rearranged


  • C’mon, man!

    My hurry up and go-nessIs annoyed by human slowness They simply lack velocity!This earns my animosity. -Chocolate Continue reading

  • Yes, I’m a friend, but

    They think I lick ’em’cause I like ’em. Like them I do,But I like salt, too. And I’m not tellin’Which is more true. -Chocolate Continue reading

  • Shhh, Don’t Tell Them

    I’m an excellent matchWith my humans;I picked them carefully. I tell them what  They should think and should doAnd they go along cheerfully. They often believeThat they have ideas Which really they get from me,But that part’s a secretWhich we won’t tell.I’m glad that you agree.  -Chocolate Continue reading

  • Dog TV

    You know my opinion of squirrels:they’re as stupid as stupid can be.There are lots of kinds of creaturesBut squirrels? The worst, says me. My humans(you know, those guys with thumbs)turned on Dog TVand boy was it dumb. They claimed it would give mean interest boostbut I thinkthe thing is squirrel-produced. -Chocolate Continue reading

  • No Sitting Around

    There are humans in my familya couple are quite small.MY little ones are not so bad,but I do not like them all. Today it was annoying;I thought I was getting walked,but instead we just went outside and I satand my full-size human just talked. Two words came up more than seven times:the words were “school”… Continue reading

  • I’m the best, except for one thing

    Does it sound like boasting?Does it sound like a brag?When I say I havethe most awesome wag? I’ll say as wellI have the trickof giving the world’smost perfect lick. There’s just one problemI will say:That stupid squirrelgot away. -Chocolate Continue reading

  • My Lucky Day

    There are treatsI quite adore; once they all spilledon the floor! That’s a day I was the winnerand also didn’t eat my dinner. -Chocolate Continue reading

  • Too bad for you

    I’m sorry to sayYour luck is badIf you’re not a dog like me. We are betterThan anything else;A dog is the best you can be. I have the best life can offer.I do what I wantWhen I choose. So it’s too bad you’re not meBut hey,As they say “you snooze, you lose.” -Chocolate Continue reading

  • Walk talk

    When I go on a walk,here’s the stuff I don’t like:No cars, no trucks,no squirrels, no bikes. Well, a squirrel or two,that’s not so darn hard;at least on a walkthey’re not in my yard. I love all the sniffsif we walk in the woods,where the sniffing is alwaysespecially good. My humans bring waterif I want… Continue reading

  • A Very Good Store

    Went out for a walkand we went to a storewhere they had stuff for meand also lots more. I met some dogs there;we agreed it was neat;there are chew bones and toysnot to mention the treats. My humans got stuffthat they kept in a baguntil we got homeand then: wag wag wag. I got a… Continue reading

About Me

I’m Pete Harbeson, a writer located near Boston, Massachusetts. In addition to writing my own content, I’ve learned to translate for my loquacious and opinionated puppy Chocolate. I shouldn’t be surprised, but she mostly speaks in doggerel.