The upside of AI
I am still pretty skeptical of large language models. I went pretty deep with them a couple of years ago, and most of what I found was either disappointing (in regard to LLM performance and capabilities) or annoying (in regard to all the marketing blather). In the ensuing months, I tended to discount the whole… Continue reading
Responsibility ain’t what it used to be
Sitting in the sun on a windy autumn day, the sun warming and the wind chilling. On the best days, when the textures of the season become leather and the colors creep into the real world from behind your eyelids, the warmth and the chill are in balance. It’s a comforting thing, balance. I don’t… Continue reading
The Calculation of Desire
It’s very difficult, recently, to escape the flood of news stories about artificial intelligence, many of them created by the latest version of artificial intelligence. “AI” is an initialism now recognized by far too many people. When I say “latest version” of AI, artificial intelligence has been around by that name since the mid-1950s, and… Continue reading
Autumn Time
Autumn has just begun in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s the most interesting season, for me at least, and it has its own feeling. It’s hard to put words to that feeling. Hart Crane, about a century ago, wrote Fear: The host, he says that all is wellAnd the fire-wood glow is bright;The food has a… Continue reading
Software degradation, life degradation
I’ve noticed something over the past few years about the software I use at work. I’m referring to commercial stuff like Microsoft Word, Outlook, Excel, and the lot, “collaboration tools” like SharePoint, as well as more niche things that are more unique to the company I work for (which is a large enterprise). What I’ve… Continue reading
Valentine’s Day Prep
Valentine’s Day is coming up this week, and as an excellent representative of the American commercial holiday it has a logo, metric tons of merchandising, and a simple theme: love. But is it so simple? “Love” is one of the most discussed and written-about notions around, and if you count popular music in the last… Continue reading
American Dreamscape
The American dream scape. A strange topology beneath the moon that our oddly faceless icons walked on, then abandoned, an issue suddenly as dead as the dust under their nasa boots. We Americans inhabit stories and myths, not reality. We’re fictional characters who believe ourselves to be real, but disbelieve the real world. We’re wraiths… Continue reading
When I was about three years old we lived in a little ranch house on a cul-de-sac. We were right at the end, and our driveway opened onto the round paved end of the street. There was no through or cross traffic, and I was allowed to ride my tricycle there. But it was down… Continue reading
Unruly Passions
April 2022 In an article in The Atlantic, “Why the Past 10 Years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid,” Jonathan Haidt mentions James Madison’s recognition that democratic societies can suffer from “the turbulence and weakness of unruly passions.” Haidt points out that to create a “sustainable republic” is to “build in mechanisms to slow things down”… Continue reading
Did you see me putting pain in a stone?
April 2022 The title is a quote from the Cate Le Bon song Pompeii. It’s from the album of the same name. Le Bon’s music is spare, simple, and yet far more evocative than it at first appears. It can be pretty difficult, for me, at least, to figure out what some of her work is really… Continue reading
About Me
I’m Pete Harbeson, a writer located near Boston, Massachusetts. In addition to writing my own content, I’ve learned to translate for my loquacious and opinionated pup Chocolate. I shouldn’t be surprised, but she mostly speaks in doggerel. You can find her contributions tagged with Chocolatiana.
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