
"Simplicity" rearranged

Tales from the Forest

  • Girdles Incompleteness Theorem

    Porcupine proudly held up what looked like a piece of cloth. “Look at this,” she said, “I made it myself!” Hare, Dog, and Magpie nodded appreciatively. “How’d you make it?” asked Magpie.  “Knitting!” said Porcupine. “Beaver lent me a book with instructions. In the book they use things called ‘needles’, but I just use a… Continue reading

  • Rules are Rules and Rocks are…um

    “Ferret, why did you just spit on the ground?” asked Hare. “I had no choice,” said Ferret, “I had to do it.” “What do you mean you had no choice? It’s a deliberate thing, spitting on the ground like that. And it’s rude,” said Hare, who was slightly offended. “It’s Raccoon’s fault,” said Ferret. “She… Continue reading

  • Otter’s Trick

    Raccoon snorted and jumped up. Otter was shaking her awake. “Hey, Raccoon, you fell asleep.” “Drat, how could I let myself fall asleep?” Raccoon muttered. “Did I miss it?” “Miss what?” asked Otter. “Sloth, of course,” said Raccoon. “Look out, Otter, you’re blocking my view of the tree.” “You want to look at a tree?… Continue reading

  • Another Otter?

    Oscar T. Thompson — Otter, to his friends — grinned over at his friend as he drove his pickup toward the zoo. “I’m telling you, Musky, they have no idea. We didn’t leave a single clue. And we’re gonna do the same thing next time, soon as we pick out which one to rescue.” “We’ll… Continue reading

  • What’s in a name?

    Hare blinked at Dog. “What did you say they call you?”  “Daisy,” said Dog, idly scratching an itchy spot. “I don’t get it,” said Hare, “a daisy is a flower. In fact, there are some right over there in the meadow.” “I know,” said Dog. “But it’s just one of those things they do. My… Continue reading

  • A new favorite

    1 “That is the worst idea I’ve ever heard,” said Magpie.  “But maybe it would work,” said Squirrel. “It would be very nice to…” “No,” said Magpie, “it wouldn’t. The whole thing is more complicated than you realize. And besides, you can get away with taking things that are already thrown out, but now you’re… Continue reading

  • The Bear Necessities

    Otter and Muskrat were showing off their new hobby to everyone. It was a little raft, and they were sailing it around Beaver’s pond.  “Ahoy!” called Otter to everyone gathered on the shore. “Avast! Keelhaul! Six points off the starboard bow!”  “What’s he talking about?” asked Squirrel. “He’s just yelling all the sailing words he… Continue reading

  • A Very Good Sense of Humor

    Otter and Muskrat were laughing uncontrollably when Hare and Raccoon arrived.  “What’s funny this time?” asked Hare. “It…it was…” began Otter, but was laughing too hard to continue. “There was this…” said Muskrat, before starting to laugh so hard he got the hiccups. Hare and Raccoon looked at each other, then sat down to wait.… Continue reading

  • Cages and sages in several pages

    1 Magpie was so excited she could barely wait until she landed on a branch to tell Hare the news. Her feathers were all fluffed out, and she couldn’t stop folding and unfolding her wings. “What’s the matter, Magpie?” asked Hare. “I found her!” yelled Magpie. “Ouch,” said Hare, rubbing his ears. “Found who?” “Sloth!… Continue reading

  • Tales from the Forest

    Moving the Mousehold Hare was serving tea cakes to Ma and Pa Mouse, Raccoon, Dog, Squirrel, and Magpie. They were sitting around a stump outside Hare’s house, and Raccoon had brought tea. Ma and Pa Mouse clinked their teacups together and Pa said “Attention everyone, I have an announcement to make!” Everyone quieted down and… Continue reading

About Me

I’m Pete Harbeson, a writer located near Boston, Massachusetts. In addition to writing my own content, I’ve learned to translate for my loquacious and opinionated puppy Chocolate. I shouldn’t be surprised, but she mostly speaks in doggerel.