
"Simplicity" rearranged

Tales from the Forest

  • Stories

    It was cold in the forest. Everyone had grown their winter fur, except for the birds, who were always explaining how feathers were so much better than fur. Even so, the birds admitted it was cold. Beaver’s pond was frozen over, and he had to come out three times every day to break enough ice… Continue reading

  • The Race (part 1)

    (Here is part 2, which was published first.) “Come on, Hare, we’re gonna be late!” yelled Otter. “I don’t wanna miss it!” “Okay, okay,” said Hare, packing the last few things into a picnic basket. “We’ll be there in plenty of time.” “I wanna get there before all the good seats are taken,” said Otter.… Continue reading

  • The word about words

    “I, for one, say words are important,” declared Magpie. “Nobody said they weren’t,” said Hare. “It’s just a question of what is a word…” “And what isn’t!” yelled Raccoon. “And I’m telling you it’s perfectly obvious that for something to be a word, you have to be able to hear it.” “Not at all,” said… Continue reading

  • A party in October

    Magpie surveyed the meadow from her perch on a branch on Hare’s tree. Beaver and Raccoon were just finishing the decorations, the Deer family were trimming the grass here and there, and Hare was loading up tables with all manner of snacks. Dog trotted in from the path with Ferret riding on her back.  “Hello,… Continue reading

  • I think that I shall never see…

    Rhymatism “Last night in the dark,” said Raccoon, “I went to the park. And I know there were trees, ‘cause they bothered my knees.” “Raccoon,” said Squirrel, “what are you talking about?” “I’m trying to say, that I’m trying to play. When I look for my stuff, it gets really tough,” said Raccoon. Squirrel looked… Continue reading

  • Octoberfuss!

    Magpie was sitting on a streetlamp just outside her favorite cafe in town, watching for dropped (or left behind) treats and listening to what the people were talking about. Everyone kept mentioning one thing in particular, and after hearing it for a while Magpie flew off to the forest. She had a new idea to… Continue reading

  • It might work

    Raccoon was chatting with Sloth one morning when Squirrel skittered past.  “G’morning, nice t’see ya, gotta run!” said Squirrel on his way by. Squirrel didn’t like to talk to Sloth — waiting for Sloth to finish saying anything made his tail twitch and he had to run up and down three trees afterward just to… Continue reading

  • An Experiment Commences

    Raccoon had spent hours making sure her house was safe from everything Hedgehog said she should worry about. She sat down in her favorite chair and sighed. Then she noticed Beaver’s book on the table beside her chair. The book that had the picture of the tree near Otter’s house. “Oh, right, that’s what I… Continue reading

  • The Race (part 2)

    (Here is part 1, which was published second) Raccoon and Hare had good seats for the race. Otter and Muskrat were right in front of them, and Beaver had come over after checking the race course he’d built. “How did you build all the streams and ponds, Beaver?” asked Raccoon. “Oh, it’s just the usual… Continue reading

  • The Realization of Ferret

    “I’m visiting the farm today,” said Raccoon, “do you want to come?” “Oh I dunno,” said Hare, “what’s going on at the farm?” “Apples,” said Raccoon. “The first apples are ripe.” “Now, how do you know that without going there first?” asked Hare. “Bear told me,” said Raccoon. “Bear is visiting the forest? And he… Continue reading

About Me

I’m Pete Harbeson, a writer located near Boston, Massachusetts. In addition to writing my own content, I’ve learned to translate for my loquacious and opinionated puppy Chocolate. I shouldn’t be surprised, but she mostly speaks in doggerel.