
"Simplicity" rearranged

Tales from the Forest

  • Geese, Temporarily

    It was the honking that woke Hare up. The loud, annoyed, and annoying honking of the geese in the meadow just outside his tree. Hare made a mug of tea and went outside. “Good morning,” said Hare to the geese. He was a bit surprised that it took just four geese to make all that… Continue reading

  • A Party

    Before the Barn Party “It’s going to be a big party,” Barney the Owl assured Hare. “You should all come.” “It’s on Saturday?” asked Hare.  “That’s right, it’ll last all day,” said Barney. “Hope everyone from the forest can come, Hare.” With that, Barney flew away. Hare hopped out to let everyone in the forest… Continue reading

  • Arguepuncture

    “I’m not sure what I did,” said Beaver, stretching his left shoulder painfully, “it just hurts.” “I hurt my leg last summer,” said Hare. “You should go talk to Dog, Beaver. Humans have all sorts of ways to fix aches and pains, and Dog knows about them. When I hurt my leg last year, Dog… Continue reading

  • If it’s not a living room, it’s a…

    Magpie was so excited she couldn’t sit still, fluttering around Hare’s living room.  “Magpie, you’re going to knock everything over,” said Hare, steadying one of his lamps.  “Why do you have things like lamps anyway?” asked Raccoon. “It’s not like they work.” “Work?” said Hare blankly. “What do you mean ‘work’? They’re just lamps.” “Ah,”… Continue reading

  • Hare’s Spoiled Trick

    Beaver was sitting in his library reading a story when there was a knock on his door. It was Hare. “Oh, hello Hare,” said Beaver, “I was just…” “You were reading a story in your library,” said Hare. “I know.” “You do?” “Yes, and then there was a knock on your door and you got… Continue reading

  • Tricks, Tricks, and More Tricks

    Hare was still confused. He was pretty sure Dog and Bear had tricked him with their sniffing contest, but he couldn’t figure out how they’d done it. He sniffed his four crayons again and again, but couldn’t smell any differences between the green, blue, red, and yellow ones. Sometimes he thought the yellow one might… Continue reading

  • Sloth Arrives. Somehow.

    Squirrel was astonished, one morning, to meet someone new in the branches of her home tree. He — or possibly she — was hanging upside down from a sizable limb, apparently asleep. Squirrel stared for a few moments, then started to jump past, thinking he’d come back later when the strange visitor woke up. “Good… Continue reading

  • The End of Summer Party

    “Bring me some snacks!” yelled Ferret. “And something good to drink!” “What’s gotten into Ferret this time?” asked Squirrel. “Why can’t he get his own snacks?” Dog sighed. “It’s not so much what’s gotten into Ferret as what he’s gotten into,” she said. “Did you notice his latest costume?” “Of course I did,” said Squirrel,… Continue reading

  • What Beaver read

    When Raccoon finally finished with her fan club — they were all there to listen to her ask and answer her own questions — and came inside Beaver’s house, Beaver and Hare were sitting in the library having a quiet chat.  “Oh, there you are, Raccoon,” said Beaver. “Are your fans satisfied now?” “I’m not… Continue reading

  • Off the Grid

    The Mouse family had moved back to the forest, and into their old house. “I’m so glad to be living near all our friends again,” said Ma Mouse, as they raked their front lawn. It had started to look unkempt while the house had been vacant, and Ma liked everything neat and tidy.  “Even though… Continue reading

About Me

I’m Pete Harbeson, a writer located near Boston, Massachusetts. In addition to writing my own content, I’ve learned to translate for my loquacious and opinionated puppy Chocolate. I shouldn’t be surprised, but she mostly speaks in doggerel.