
"Simplicity" rearranged

Tales from the Forest

  • No Catcalls, Please

    Dog was unusually excited when she knocked on Hare’s door that day.  “Guess what!” she said, tail wagging at full speed. “Guess what! I’m going to be in a play! In the town!” “That’s great,” said Hare, who hadn’t had a chance to guess after all. He had been going to guess that Ferret was… Continue reading

  • Oh Rats

    Ma and Pa Mouse were visiting the forest. Everyone wanted to hear about their new jobs at the college.  “Are you doing the same jobs as Betty and Ralph?” asked Porcupine. The Rats had been her long-time friends, but they didn’t get together as often since Ralph and Betty had gotten their college jobs —… Continue reading

  • Eating Your Words

    Dog and Ferret were due in Hare’s meadow, along with the rest of the guests, at about noon. Squirrel and Raccoon were helping Hare get everything ready for Sunday Brunch. Magpie, was watching from a low branch in Hare’s oak tree and explaining — the whole event had been her idea.  “Tell me again, why… Continue reading

  • Acorn Caps

    Beaver was introducing Goose to Porcupine, Hedgehog, Squirrel, and Raccoon. Those four met at Porcupine’s house every Tuesday to play Acorn Caps, a game they loved, but that they couldn’t get anyone else to play. Not even Otter or Muskrat, who loved games.  “Goose is just visiting,” said Beaver. “She stopped in my pond on… Continue reading

  • Beauty in Your Eye

    “I would know if I had something in my eye, Magpie,” said Hare. “I didn’t mean that sort of something,” said Magpie, “I mean the kind of thing you have in your eye because you’re the only one who sees it.” “The only time theres a thing that only I can see,” said Hare, “is… Continue reading

  • Metadrama

    “I’m visiting the farm today,” said Raccoon, “do you want to come?” “Oh I dunno,” said Hare, “what’s going on at the farm?” “Apples,” said Raccoon. “The first apples are ripe.” “Now, how do you know that without going there first?” asked Hare. “Bear told me,” said Raccoon. “Bear is visiting the forest? And he… Continue reading

  • After the Party

    For a long time afterward, the party in the barn was known as “the party in the barn.” Anyone in the forest could say “remember when we went to the party in the barn,” and whoever they were talking to would say “yes, I remember the party in the barn. It was in the barn,… Continue reading

  • Secret Ingredient

    “The thing is,” said Hare, “we’re just going to have to find some, and that’s all there is to it.” “But there are plenty of other things you could use instead,” said Raccoon. “No,” said Hare, “I’m making my special salad, and every single ingredient is carefully selected. Substituting one thing would change the whole… Continue reading

  • Listen Carefully

    Porcupine proudly held up what looked like a piece of cloth. “Look at this,” she said, “I made it myself!” Hare, Dog, and Magpie nodded appreciatively. “How’d you make it?” asked Magpie. “Knitting!” said Porcupine. “Beaver lent me a book with instructions. In the book they use things called ‘needles’, but I just use a… Continue reading

  • There are 10 attitudes about numbers

    “You can’t fool me, Raccoon,” said Dog. “There are not that many numbers.” “Yes there are,” insisted Raccoon. “There are more numbers than one, two, and ‘a lot’, Dog.” “Are not,” said Dog, laying back down in the grass. “I’ll prove it,” said Raccoon. “Look here, Dog, I’ll make some marks in the dirt. Listen… Continue reading

About Me

I’m Pete Harbeson, a writer located near Boston, Massachusetts. In addition to writing my own content, I’ve learned to translate for my loquacious and opinionated puppy Chocolate. I shouldn’t be surprised, but she mostly speaks in doggerel.