Ready for bed
There’s a pre-bedtime practice I’ve found:I circle around and around.A nice three-lap spinbefore I tuck in —Just the thing to be sure I’ve unwound. -Chocolate Continue reading
October 12
October 12 is Freethought Day, at least in California. Freethought Day commemorates October 12, 1692, the day the Salem Witch Trials were ended by the governor of the Massachusetts Colony (the US didn’t exist yet). The trials had gotten completely out of hand, particularly in the kinds of evidence that were being allowed. The tipping… Continue reading
Cold weather slowness
The weather’s getting colder;The kind I much prefer.But my humans just get slowersince they somehow lost their fur. They look for something special;they call this thing a “jacket;”I’d help them out if they would ask;I could prob’ly track it. Then when they finally find itand I think “good, that is that,”they start their silly search… Continue reading
Cheshire Cat
One of the oddball characters in Alice in Wonderland is the Cheshire Cat. He doesn’t really do much in the story besides grin, and then gradually disappear (except for his grin). Have you ever wondered why a grinning feline would be called a Cheshire Cat? Lewis Carroll could have just invented it — he certainly… Continue reading
R.H.W. Dillard
In the sometimes mysterious and remote Blue Ridge mountains in the US state of Virginia, there are countless obscure valleys and hidden keeps. The only habitation of note is Roanoke, where, on October 11, 1937, a baby was born. It’s not recorded whether any omens predicted the birth, whether any supernatural events accompanied it, or… Continue reading
October 11
An odd thing happened on October 11, 1976. A promotion was awarded to an officer in the US Army. On the face of it, that seems like something that happens all the time, but this time the promotion was posthumous. Which is not something that happens all the time, but it’s certainly not unprecedented or… Continue reading
October 10
In one of those odd coincidences that we manufacture all the time (because it’s not a coincidence until somebody says “gee, that’s an odd coincidence”), October 10 in 1914, 1915, and 1917 is the birthday of three famous jazz/R&B musicians: Ivory Joe Hunter, Harry Edison, and Thelonious Monk, in that order. Ivory Joe Hunter —… Continue reading
Alice Dalgliesh
If you have children, or if you were, yourself, once a child, and if you can read (which, since you’ve made it this far in a much-too-lengthy sentence, we will assume), you’re probably aware that children’s literature that’s also historically accurate is easy to find. That was not always true, and that it now is… Continue reading
Abigails and Andrews
If you know someone named Abigail or Andrew, you might want to think twice about whether to share this with them. Those names, you see, have in the past been used to mean different things. Starting in the 1600s – or possibly earlier – an “abigail” was a maidservant. Nobody is quite sure how this… Continue reading
John Cummings and Christopher Ward
John Cummings and Christopher Ward share a birthday: October 8. They were both born in New York CIty; Cummings in 1948 and Ward in 1965. And they have something else in common: their name. That’s because John Cummings and Christopher Ward are better known as Johnny and C.J. Ramone, of the punk band the Ramones. … Continue reading
About Me
I’m Pete Harbeson, a writer located near Boston, Massachusetts. In addition to writing my own content, I’ve learned to translate for my loquacious and opinionated pup Chocolate. I shouldn’t be surprised, but she mostly speaks in doggerel. You can find her contributions tagged with Chocolatiana.
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- Dis- or Ab-?
- Thoughtfulness about fake thought
- Drink plenty of liquids
- “Hawkweed?”
- Walked to school in the snow uphill both ways
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