October 3
It’s October third; Happy Thanksgiving! No, really — this is the day George Washington proclaimed it was Thanksgiving in 1789. But (you knew there was a “but” coming) Washington’s proclamation was only for that one year. Thanksgiving as a national holiday showed up only occasionally after that, when whoever was President at the time thought… Continue reading
Marvel Whiteside (Jack) Parsons
Jack Parsons is one of the most important figures in the US space and rocketry systems. He was a real space cadet, too. This is quite lengthy, but also quite a story, and all true. Parsons was born October 2, 1914, in Los Angeles, California. His actual name, and I’m not making this up, was… Continue reading
October 2
What’s on (October) second. Who’s on first, of course, and Tomorrow, the pitcher, will be the third, where you can find I Don’t Know, manning the infield catching Today…I mean, Today catching, and the last one, well, I Don’t Give a Darn. But the right fielder? We never find out his name. As you’ve probably… Continue reading
Yes, I’m a friend, but
They think I lick ’em’cause I like ’em. Like them I do,But I like salt, too. And I’m not tellin’Which is more true. -Chocolate Continue reading
Joshua Wurman
Extreme weather events are getting more frequent and more extreme, and atmospheric scientists are studying what’s going on in the air around us, especially in regard to storms. One of the leaders in that effort is Joshua Wurman, who celebrates his 64th birthday today. Wurman was born in Pennsylvania, in the US, to Gloria Nagy,… Continue reading
Lucinda Hinsdale Stone
Lucinda Hinsdale Stone was an American feminist long before the word “feminism” existed. She founded at least fifty women’s literary and study clubs in the midwestern US in the mid-1800s, was the first US woman to lead classes of young female students on international study trips, and after a career as a professor at the… Continue reading
Shhh, Don’t Tell Them
I’m an excellent matchWith my humans;I picked them carefully. I tell them what They should think and should doAnd they go along cheerfully. They often believeThat they have ideas Which really they get from me,But that part’s a secretWhich we won’t tell.I’m glad that you agree. -Chocolate Continue reading
As you like it
It’s all the same to us now, but more than a thousand years ago, Old English imported the Old Norse word “same.” It’s a word you probably use every day, but I’ll bet you wouldn’t have predicted that its actual definition is pretty long. It starts out “the ordinary adjectival and pronominal designation of identity…”… Continue reading
October 1
In 1861, in spite of the part of the US Constitution requiring separation of government and religion, some religious leaders — including the Reverend Mark Watkinson of Pennsylvania — tried to convince the government that the nation’s official currency ought to include a religious statement. The US Civil War had begun and this was in… Continue reading
By and large
If you stop and think about a common, everyday expression, sometimes what you think is that it makes no sense. For example, by and large means “generally” or “for the most part.” The phrase has been around at least since the early 1700s (“Tho’ he trys every way, both by and large, to keep up with… Continue reading
About Me
I’m Pete Harbeson, a writer located near Boston, Massachusetts. In addition to writing my own content, I’ve learned to translate for my loquacious and opinionated pup Chocolate. I shouldn’t be surprised, but she mostly speaks in doggerel. You can find her contributions tagged with Chocolatiana.
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- Dis- or Ab-?
- Thoughtfulness about fake thought
- Drink plenty of liquids
- “Hawkweed?”
- Walked to school in the snow uphill both ways
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