Software degradation, life degradation
I’ve noticed something over the past few years about the software I use at work. I’m referring to commercial stuff like Microsoft Word, Outlook, Excel, and the lot, “collaboration tools” like SharePoint, as well as more niche things that are more unique to the company I work for (which is a large enterprise). What I’ve… Continue reading
I’m the best, except for one thing
Does it sound like boasting?Does it sound like a brag?When I say I havethe most awesome wag? I’ll say as wellI have the trickof giving the world’smost perfect lick. There’s just one problemI will say:That stupid squirrelgot away. -Chocolate Continue reading
My Lucky Day
There are treatsI quite adore; once they all spilledon the floor! That’s a day I was the winnerand also didn’t eat my dinner. -Chocolate Continue reading
September 26
Today’s September 26, the day FBI agents became known as G-Men. it was all thanks to Machine Gun Kelly, who surrendered by yelling “Don’t shoot, G-Men” when they raided his hideout in Memphis. It didn’t really happen that way, though. The official reports from the raid itself said that Kelly was found standing in a… Continue reading
Too bad for you
I’m sorry to sayYour luck is badIf you’re not a dog like me. We are betterThan anything else;A dog is the best you can be. I have the best life can offer.I do what I wantWhen I choose. So it’s too bad you’re not meBut hey,As they say “you snooze, you lose.” -Chocolate Continue reading
Rhymes with “awful”
When someone “waffles,” they’re not cooking a breakfast pastry. Well, I suppose they could be, but generally that’s called “making waffles” instead. In the US, “waffling” is vacillating or dithering about a decision. Should you buy the blue shirt? It’s a nice color, but the pattern on the red shirt is nicer. So maybe you… Continue reading
Feeling poorly?
From 1951 to 1960 there was a BBC radio comedy called The Goon Show. It was a half-hour show starring Spike Milligan, Harry Secombe, and a name you’ve heard before, Peter Sellers. Each episode featured comedy skits (like Saturday Night Live), generally with weird plots and goofy sound effects. The Goon Show was vastly popular,… Continue reading
September 25
It was September 25, or thereabouts, in what everybody said was 1897. Mississippi, of course; you knew that it had to be Mississippi. Or France. The winds were blowing toward bad times in France, but not for a while yet. It would be just in time for a youth born in 1897 in Mississippi to… Continue reading
This is not a colophon
In many books — the old kind, actually printed in real ink on real paper — there’s a page near the end that tells you some things about the book itself. Sometimes it lists the typefaces used, occasionally the paper, and maybe even some of the people involved in creating the book, such as the… Continue reading
About Me
I’m Pete Harbeson, a writer located near Boston, Massachusetts. In addition to writing my own content, I’ve learned to translate for my loquacious and opinionated pup Chocolate. I shouldn’t be surprised, but she mostly speaks in doggerel. You can find her contributions tagged with Chocolatiana.
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- Dis- or Ab-?
- Thoughtfulness about fake thought
- Drink plenty of liquids
- “Hawkweed?”
- Walked to school in the snow uphill both ways
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