Power hungry
There are cars powered by gasoline, and they have engines. Then there are cars powered by electricity, and they have motors. A hybrid car, of course, has both a gas engine and an electric motor. The difference can’t just have to do with the fuel, because if you have a small boat, you can attach… Continue reading
Upton Sinclair
Upton Sinclair was born September 20, 1878, and got famous first for his 1906 novel The Jungle. It was an expose that uncovered shockingly bad conditions in the meat packing industry of the US. That was over a century ago, and not everything has changed; a major US meat packing company is currently closed because… Continue reading
New Bones, Chew Bones
I got a new bone yesterday;my favorite thing to chew.I was not the only one;Hayley got one too I started mine at once, you know;I am not a waiter.Hayley, though, stashed hers awayso she could chew it later. So now I’m mad; my bone is done,and Hayley started hers.She’s just happy chewingbut I’m feeling all… Continue reading
September 20
Some things seem important at the time. They might even be remembered, but long-term their effects don’t seem particularly significant. This is the day, for example, that Agnes of Poitou met with Andrew I of Hungary in 1058 (!) to negotiate the border of Burgenland. Agnes was a queen in something vaguely resembling Germany, and… Continue reading
Sharp! No, Dull!
If you were out and about around the 1770s and you encountered someone with a high-pitched, shrill voice, you might remark to a companion that there, forsooth, was a fellow afflicted with oxyphony. “Oxyphony” is a compound word made up of “oxy”, which means sharp or acidic, and “phone,” which means tone or sound. The… Continue reading
September 19
Ahoy me hearties, ’tis International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Arrr! Her keel was laid down in the year 1995, it was, when crewmates Cap’n Slappy ’n Ol’ Chumbucket were granted the boon of an idea by ol’ Davy Jones himself. T’was June the 6th when they had the idea, but they fixed the day… Continue reading
Grey Owl
In the 1930s in Canada, the author and lecturer Grey Owl became a well-known advocate of wilderness conservation and environmentalism. He was known as the son of a Scottish father and an Indigenous (Apache) mother, and achieved international attention for his articles, books, lectures, and films about the depletion of natural resources and the decimation… Continue reading
Not so bad
Like the word “good,” “bad” has a very long history. Nobody knows quite where it came from. If it existed in Old English, it didn’t have exactly the same form, but there are several OE words that it might have come from. The first is not exactly a “word” at all; it’s the name “Badda.”… Continue reading
I’ll do the thinnin’ around here, Baba Louie
I’m an excellent matchWith my humans;I picked them carefully. I tell them whatThey should think and should doAnd they go along cheerfully. They often believeThat they have ideasWhich really they get from me, But that part’s a secretWhich we won’t tell.I’m glad that you agree. -Chocolate Continue reading
I Win.
I am modest;self-effacingBut really, I’m the bestat chasing! Squirrels I amalways beating,until those trees(and climbing’s cheating). As for Hayley,I’m quicker, butshe’s sneakywith her shorty cuts. With humans,I win every timeWhen there’s a chasethe win is mine! -Chocolate Continue reading
About Me
I’m Pete Harbeson, a writer located near Boston, Massachusetts. In addition to writing my own content, I’ve learned to translate for my loquacious and opinionated pup Chocolate. I shouldn’t be surprised, but she mostly speaks in doggerel. You can find her contributions tagged with Chocolatiana.
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- Dis- or Ab-?
- Thoughtfulness about fake thought
- Drink plenty of liquids
- “Hawkweed?”
- Walked to school in the snow uphill both ways
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