Ferret came out of Sally’s room. “Oh, for goodness’ sake,” said Dog. “Not again.”
“What are you talking about?” asked Ferret. He was wearing a blue cape with silver stars. On his head was a pointed hat that matched the cape. “I am not Ferret. I am Merlin, the greatest wizard of all time! I have come to cast magnificent spells and perform wondrous feats of magic!”
Dog sighed. “Sally dressed you up again, didn’t she?”
“The fair maiden Sally merely recognized my true form,” said Ferret, waving a small stick that had been painted silver at one end. “I have been in disguise as a simple ferret, but now my true identity is revealed!”
“Uh-huh,” said Dog. “Well, ‘Merlin,’ I’m going to the forest to visit my friends. Are you coming?”
“Indeed I shall accompany you,” declared Ferret…er, Merlin. “The forest creatures may have need of my magical abilities!”
Dog rolled her eyes but didn’t argue. Ferret was always like this when he put on another one of Sally’s doll costumes. Last week he’d been a pirate, and Dog still hadn’t found the chew toy Ferret had stolen.
They found Hare picking blackberries in his meadow.
“Hello, Dog,” said Hare. Then he spotted Ferret. “And who’s this?”
Before Dog could answer, Ferret stepped forward and swirled his cape.
“I am Merlin, master of the mystic arts!” he announced. “I can transform toads into princes, summon storms from clear skies, and unlock the secrets of the universe!”
“It’s Ferret,” Dog explained.
“Silence!” said Ferret, pointing his wand at Dog. “Do not reveal my secret identity to the common folk!”
Hare blinked. “Well,” he said after a moment, “would you both like some blackberries? I’ve picked quite a few.”
“The great Merlin accepts your humble offering,” said Ferret solemnly, taking a blackberry.
“The not-so-great Dog also accepts,” said Dog, taking a mouthful.
“I’m on my way to Beaver’s,” said Hare. “There’s going to be a small gathering. Would you like to come?”
“Sure,” said Dog.
“A gathering of forest folk seeking wisdom? Merlin shall attend!” declared Ferret.
As they walked, Hedgehog rushed down the path, looking frantic.
“Hare! Dog! You’ll never believe what I just saw flying over the forest! It was a—” Hedgehog stopped, noticing Ferret. “Who’s that?”
“MERLIN!” Ferret shouted before anyone could answer, throwing his paws in the air and accidentally dropping his wand. “Master of magic, controller of cosmic forces!”
“It’s Ferret,” said Hare.
“Oh,” said Hedgehog, looking disappointed. “I thought maybe it was a real wizard who could help with the dragon problem.”
“Dragon problem?” asked Dog.
“I was just about to tell you,” said Hedgehog. “There’s a dragon flying over the forest! I saw it myself. It breathed fire and everything!”
“I’m sure there isn’t—” began Dog.
“A DRAGON!” exclaimed Ferret, his eyes lighting up. “This is precisely why I have come! Only Merlin can defeat a dragon!”
“There’s no such thing as dragons,” said Dog firmly.
“Oh yes there is,” insisted Hedgehog. “It was huge and green with enormous wings.”
“Lead me to the beast!” commanded Ferret, picking up his wand. “I shall vanquish it forthwith!”
“Maybe we should all just go to Beaver’s,” suggested Hare.
But Ferret was already scampering after Hedgehog.
“Oh dear,” said Hare. “Should we go after them?”
“I suppose we’d better,” sighed Dog. “Ferret gets very… committed to his roles.”
They followed the pair through the forest until they reached a clearing. Magpie was there, sitting on a branch.
“Magpie!” called Hedgehog. “Did you see the dragon?”
“Dragon?” said Magpie. “I didn’t see any dragon. What are you talking about, Hedgehog?”
“But you told me—” started Hedgehog.
“I said I saw something strange flying overhead,” corrected Magpie. “I never said it was a dragon.”
“Fear not, good folk!” declared Ferret, climbing onto a stump. “I, the great Merlin, shall summon the dragon with my magic powers!” He waved his wand and shouted, “Dragon, appear!”
Nothing happened.
“Perhaps a stronger spell,” muttered Ferret. He closed his eyes, concentrating hard, and began to wave his wand in elaborate patterns. Then he yelled “BY THE POWER OF MERLIN, I COMMAND THE DRAGON TO SHOW ITSELF!”
At that exact moment, there was a loud whooshing sound overhead, and a large shadow passed over the clearing.
“IT’S THE DRAGON!” shouted Hedgehog, diving under a bush.
Even Dog looked up in alarm. The shadow grew larger, and there was another whooshing sound, followed by a burst of flame in the sky.
“MY SPELL WORKED!” yelled Ferret.
Just then Beaver hurried into the clearing. “There you all are! Didn’t you hear me calling? You’re all invited to see—” He broke off, noticing Ferret. “Who’s this?”
“MERLIN,” said Dog, Hare, and Hedgehog in unison, all looking upward.
“It’s Ferret in a costume,” explained Hare, “but more importantly, what is THAT?” He pointed at the sky.
“That,” said Beaver proudly, “is what I’ve been trying to tell you about. It’s a hot air balloon! Some people from town are giving demonstrations just beyond the forest. That’s what I was inviting everyone to come see.”
They all watched as the colorful balloon drifted into view. Occasionally, the pilot would fire the burner, creating the whooshing sound and the burst of flame they’d seen.
“It’s not a dragon?” said Hedgehog, cautiously emerging from under the bush.
“Not a dragon,” confirmed Beaver.
“And not magic?” Dog asked Ferret.
Ferret was silent for a moment, staring up at the balloon. Then he straightened his wizard hat.
“Of course it’s magic!” he declared. “That WAS a dragon but I, Merlin, have transformed it into a harmless balloon to protect you all!” He bowed deeply. “You’re welcome, forest creatures!”
“Oh, for goodness’ sake,” said Dog again.
“Well, I think that’s very kind of you, Merlin,” said Raccoon, who had just wandered into the clearing, munching on something. “Since you’ve saved us all from a dragon, would you care for some cereal? I just found a whole box in town.”
“The great Merlin accepts your tribute,” said Ferret. He forgot about the balloon and followed Raccoon.
On the way to Beaver’s, Hare fell into step beside Dog.
“Does this happen often?” he asked quietly.
“All the time,” sighed Dog. “Last Thursday he was a superhero and tried to fly off the roof. Yesterday he was a chef and tried to cook the houseplants. Tomorrow, who knows? But Sally loves it, and it makes Ferret happy, so…”
“I suppose it makes life interesting,” offered Hare.
“That’s one word for it,” said Dog, watching as Ferret attempted to cast a spell on a butterfly, missed, and fell into a patch of clover.
Hedgehog sidled up to them. “It wasn’t really a dragon, was it?” he asked.
“No,” said Dog.
“That’s a relief,” said Hedgehog. “I’m still worried about what might be in that balloon, though. Do you think it could be aliens?”
Dog and Hare exchanged glances.
“Let’s go try some of Raccoon’s cereal,” said Hare. “Sometimes that stuff is magically delicious.”
Dog sighed.
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