
"Simplicity" rearranged

History, sort of

  • Same old same old

    The thing about dictionaries in English is this: they’re descriptive, not prescriptive. Words don’t enter English because you find them in the dictionary; it works in exactly the opposite way. Words enter English, then eventually they (probably) show up in a dictionary.  So how, exactly, do words enter English? Social media! The original social medium… Continue reading

  • About that history you were taught…

    This is a photo of a model reconstruction of Bologna, Italy, somewhere around 1300 or so. What the heck are all those towers?!? We know they were there because the foundations are still there today in Bologna. They were built by wealthy families to protect themselves and all their stuff when the 99% got angry… Continue reading

  • You can’t say we weren’t warned

    Thirty-one years ago, in 1994, the Internet existed but not everybody knew that yet. Even those of us who did know about it didn’t always have an convenient connection; computers had only barely begun to be portable, and you certainly weren’t going to access much on that telephone in your home that had a handset… Continue reading

  • A Sunday drive

    In the early days of automobile design, none of the standards we’re used to had emerged yet, even the most basic ones. Most very early cars didn’t have steering wheels. you steered them with a lever, which was called a “tiller.”  English has two “tiller” words. The first has to do with farming; a tiller… Continue reading

  • Conquered Today

    It was this date, in 30BCE, that the Roman leader Octavian took control of Alexandria, Egypt, which after that was part of the Roman Republic. Octavian went on to take control of the entire Roman Empire, and for various reasons (Rome was very complicated), was also known as Gaius Julius Caesar (Octavian was adopted by… Continue reading

  • The Eclipse of 585 BCE

    Today is the day that Thales, an ancient Greek philosopher/mathematician/scientist (we don’t really have a good word for those ancient thinkers) correctly predicted a solar eclipse in 585 BCE. Since solar eclipses are physical, objective events that can be projected both backwards and forwards in time, today is the anniversary of an ancient date that… Continue reading

  • “To the lighthouse”

    During the reign of Ptolomy II, between about 280 and 247 BCE, the Ptolemaic Kingdom built the Lighthouse of Alexandria on Pharos, a little island in the Nile delta. Because of its location the lighthouse came to be called the Pharos of Alexandria. It was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, and… Continue reading

  • Jerkwater

    If you watch cowboy movies, and sometimes other genres as well, you might hear about a  “jerkwater town.” Such a town was a small, provincial, inconsequential village that nobody (who wasn’t, for example, hiding out after robbing the stagecoach) would ever want to visit. The term “jerkwater” is still in occasional use, and it’s applied… Continue reading

  • Back in 1914

    1914 was a remarkable year. Although World War I began then, which is notable but really can’t be considered a credit to its time, 1914 also saw the introduction of the first commercial airplane passenger service in the world — between Tampa and St. Petersburg, Florida. That doesn’t sound like much today, particularly since those… Continue reading

  • Character of the day: Tom Swift

    The technological history of the 20th Century started with tinkerers and mechanics building new machines, and progressed to more complex machines backed by scientific theory and advanced math. And all of it was embodied in one person: Tom Swift, the teenage genius inventor and hero of more than 100 books. Tom appeared in 1910 in… Continue reading

About Me

I’m Pete Harbeson, a writer located near Boston, Massachusetts. In addition to writing my own content, I’ve learned to translate for my loquacious and opinionated pup Chocolate. I shouldn’t be surprised, but she mostly speaks in doggerel. You can find her contributions tagged with Chocolatiana.