
"Simplicity" rearranged


  • What was that?

    Today I met something:a thing called a “cat.”Both Iand the thingwere quite startled by that. I said “YIKES!”Or somethingthat had that effectand the thing jumped straight upbefore hitting the deck. It took off at a dashand by reflex I chasedAnd we ranjust like crazyall over the place. I came to my sensesand yelled“Wait, hang on,”But… Continue reading

  • Rabbits and Squirrels

    Rabbits are badBut squirrels are worseRabbits are quietBut squirrels can curse! My sister and ICan’t abide either sortAnd we chase them away.It’s a job and a sport. I don’t try to bite themBut Hayley did onceCause she’s fast, and the rabbitWas kind of a dunce Who didn’t quite getThat Hayley is quickerAnd also an excellentShorty-cut… Continue reading

  • My Collection

    I collect rocksI select them with careAnd I carry them, too —From right here to right there.  My family don’t get it;That much is true…And neither do I!Just a fun thing to do.  -Chocolate Continue reading

  • New Bones, Chew Bones

    I got a new bone yesterday;my favorite thing to chew.I was not the only one;Hayley got one too I started mine at once, you know;I am not a waiter.Hayley, though, stashed hers awayso she could chew it later. So now I’m mad; my bone is done,and Hayley started hers.She’s just happy chewingbut I’m feeling all… Continue reading

  • I’ll do the thinnin’ around here, Baba Louie

    I’m an excellent matchWith my humans;I picked them carefully. I tell them whatThey should think and should doAnd they go along cheerfully. They often believeThat they have ideasWhich really they get from me, But that part’s a secretWhich we won’t tell.I’m glad that you agree. -Chocolate Continue reading

  • I Win.

    I am modest;self-effacingBut really, I’m the bestat chasing! Squirrels I amalways beating,until those trees(and climbing’s cheating). As for Hayley,I’m quicker, butshe’s sneakywith her shorty cuts. With humans,I win every timeWhen there’s a chasethe win is mine! -Chocolate Continue reading

  • If Only They Had Good Noses

    I like humans pretty wellthey’re nicer than I used to think.Their hygiene though!They cannot tell,But some of those guys really stink. The worstest scents,which should be banned,they do on purposewith a can. -Chocolate Continue reading

  • Being a good pet owner

    If you have a humantake good care of him or herYou have to keep them nice and warmbecause they have no fur. We dogs must pay attentionor communications fail;I think it’s ’cause their ears are flat and they’ve no handy tail. But all the trouble’s worth itIf you keep one as a pet.I myself have… Continue reading

  • The dog optimist

    Hayley just eats when she’s hungry.She says that she’ll wait for a while.I’m always ready for a treat or a snackAnd either one makes me smile. When I was a pupThere were bad folks aroundAnd I learned right awayI should eat what I found But Hayley has nevermet anyone meanAnd she doesn’t believeWhen I say… Continue reading

  • Egalitarianism

    Hayley and I,We like things to be fairLike the number of treatsAnd whose turn for the chair.  When our family brings usNew toys from the store We check to be sureThat neither gets more But one thing they miss, (Though it’s only their fate):Some toys smell okayWhile others smell great! So that is one spotOf an overlap,… Continue reading

About Me

I’m Pete Harbeson, a writer located near Boston, Massachusetts. In addition to writing my own content, I’ve learned to translate for my loquacious and opinionated puppy Chocolate. I shouldn’t be surprised, but she mostly speaks in doggerel.