Listen to me; I’m rich
From my privileged positionas a dog of ease and wealth,I shall add my observationson the world’s state of health. You humans seem to ideatethat wealth means one is smart.I’m better off than anyoneAnd have this to impart: You guys are often kindlybut you’re just as often nuts.You tie up those big minds of yoursin silly,… Continue reading
On second thought…
The weather’s getting colder.I go out; it’s snow I find.Now I feel, to my surprise,that I have changed my mind. Snow changes the smellsin gentle little waysand you can poke it with your noseif you’d like to play. At first I thought it was more like rainand that stuff I despise.But snow is a better… Continue reading
Decisions, decisions
This is a question that’s been on my mind:I have two sorts of treats, but my choice is which kind?There are some that are crunchy,and they’re really neat,but the others are chewy,and still good to eat. I have both kinds at homeand it’s kind of a gameto guess which I will get;’cause they’re just not… Continue reading
Department Of Gruff (DOG)
Every room inside my househas a comfy spot that’s mine.I use each one of them to loungeBut only one at a time. It’s a slightly vexing issue.Much like that thing with treats:I only have a single mouththat I can use to eat. Those birds are so much better’cause it only takes one woofand all of… Continue reading
My favorite blankets are nice and softand humans like them too.I lie down on blankets;with humans blankets are on top of you. If I’m beneath a blanketI sometimes feel too hotthat seems to be a problembald humans haven’t got. I often hear my humansmake a noise like ‘brrr,’I think it’s ’cause just like their tailsThose… Continue reading
What now?!?
I must admit I’m at a loss:who still doesn’t know that I’m the boss?This white stuff shouldn’t be allowed;It’s wet and cold and must be plowed. Sky stuff all should learn this knack:Keep out of my yard and off my back!Even worse, on every tripMy two-footed humans seem to slip. Their own fault; they cannot… Continue reading
Those birdbrains
Those stupid birdsare always tweeting,and now we’ve foundthey’re always eating! My humans leavea bunch of seedsfor birds — I guessthat’s what they need. And their feeder thing?It’s in my yard!Those birds ignoreme standing guard! And then they perch there,always eating.And while they eat,It’s nonstop tweeting! -Chocolate Continue reading
A brief winter trip outside
My yard had a bird when I trotted out there.I chased it away so my grass could be bare,But a squirrel annoyingly chattered at meAnd it stayed where it was up too high in the tree.So I picked up my toy (I keep one outside)and I flapped it around ’til I could decideif I wanted… Continue reading
Honk if you’ve heard this one
When I see a good friendon the street (other side)I know enough not torun there to say hi. In between are those thingsthat are loud, fast, and smellyand dangerous, too;they could turn me to jelly. I’ve ridden inside them myselfso I knowthat they’re not really real;they can just stop and go. The humans believethat they… Continue reading
Holidays are really keen;Whole family’s home! I got whipped cream!Extra walks! It’s great! I mean,Today is cool but I’m no fool —There could still be sorrow…But there’s leftovers tomorrow! -Chocolate Continue reading
About Me
I’m Pete Harbeson, a writer located near Boston, Massachusetts. In addition to writing my own content, I’ve learned to translate for my loquacious and opinionated pup Chocolate. I shouldn’t be surprised, but she mostly speaks in doggerel. You can find her contributions tagged with Chocolatiana.
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- Is that an ace up your sleeve?
- A River Runs Through It
- The good old days
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[citation needed]
Cornerstone of Democracy